Sponsorship Opportunities
Program Opportunities

The NHCSL offers the opportunity for partners to support educational programs focused on policy, diversity and inclusion, and racial justice such as:
- Policy Division Fund (year-round)
- Quad Caucus
Quad Caucus Porgramming
The Quad Caucus is an ongoing partnered-educational program whereby the four legislative caucuses of color - Asian Pacific Islander, Native American, Hispanic, and African American - work to build relationships between the caucuses and their members towards collaborating on issues that impact communities of color. This program's main objective is to reduce racism and improve the lives of our youth by combating policies that can increase disparities in education, health, and economic stability in the family.
National Annual Summit
The Summit convenes state legislators, Hispanic organizations, corporate representatives, and community leaders to discuss issues that concern the Hispanic/Latino population. The Summit agenda reflects the current state of the Hispanic/Latino community and delves into unique and innovative ways to improve the quality of life for the constituencies we serve. The program presenters and speakers are experts in:
- Agriculture
- Banking
- Home Ownership and Credit
- Broadband and Technology
- Business and Economic Development
- International Trade and Relations
- Education
- Energy and Environment
- Health Care
- Human and Civil Rights
- Immigration
- Labor and Workforce Development
- Latino Voting and Elections
- Veteran Affairs
- Law and Criminal Justice
The Summit offers partners the opportunity to gain maximum exposure and visibility before a unique national audience of state elected officials.
Become a Partner
Engagement Benefits
The NHCSL provides a forum for information exchange and member networking; supports leadership training; acts as a liaison with sister U.S. Hispanic organizations; promotes public and private partnerships with business and labor; and partners with Hispanic state provincial legislators and their associations represented throughout the world.
Benefits can be customized to meet your organization's specific objectives and may include:
- Visibility and exposure through NHCSL’s extensive network of members and partners across the country
- Event-specific opportunities to highlight and network with leaders from across the country
- Access to diverse, accomplished, and experienced legislators
Event Opportunities
Sponsorships offer an opportunity to support and participate in various activities, and sessions with NHCSL's leadership, Business of Board of Advisors (BBA), local elected officials, community leaders, and policy experts share the mission of strengthening the voice of America.
Welcome Reception - A celebratory networking reception to kick off the series of activities and policy sessions. The Welcome Reception is held at the Spring and Summer Executive Committee Meetings and Annual Summit.
Policy Sessions - These stand-alone or concurrent sessions examine serious policy areas affecting the Latino community at the state, national, and international levels. The Policy Sessions are held during the Spring and Sumer Executive Committee Meetings and Annual Summit.
Keynote Breakfasts and Luncheons - The Keynote emphasizes significant issues currently being reviewed at the National level. A conversation with a National leader or policy expert on evaluating and finding positive and realistic solutions to the community's issues.
Noche De Celebración - An evening to celebrate and honor the achievements and commitment of outstanding local community leaders that have helped advance the state and wellness of the Hispanic community in different areas such as education, arts and culture, and social justice.
Year-round Event Experiences - Throughout the year, NHCSL partners have the unique opportunity to curate and design immersive event experiences during our Annual Summit or other gatherings. Collaborate closely with the NHCSL team to craft sessions that enhance attendee engagement, aligning seamlessly with our organization's event themes. Partners take a leading role in shaping these experiences, contributing creative input to design memorable events that leave a lasting impact
For more information please contact:
Gretchen Class-Díaz, Development Lead
Email: development@nhcsl.org
Mobile: (772) 238-0074